What is Adam’s English?

Hi there! My name is Adam!  I have been teaching people to speak English for over 10-years!

I love to meet new people and I really enjoy teaching people of all ages and backgrounds!

Because I have taught so many different people, I have developed many different teaching styles and techniques that I would like to share with you.
I hope we will be able to have many classes together and I hope you will check out some of the online courses that I have created.

I look forward to speaking with you in English!



Individual & Group
Online Learning

One Size Does not Fit All

One of the Greatest things about online lessons is that they are very customizable! I can take any lesson or topic and adjust it to better suit your learning style or situation.

Let’s say you are looking to make some online friends. I will have several videos and many materials that you can use to learn the social skills necessary to start a conversation, identify topics for questioning, how to change the subject, and much more!

Or perhaps you need English because you are starting a new job and you have many customers who speak English. I will provide you the English skills you need to take great care of your customers and relieve your stress.

English is a very flexible language and I look forward to teaching you the English that you need or want to learn!

Classrooom Lessons

English Where You Need It

These days it has become very convenient to learn anything you want from the comforts of your home. Or perhaps, you prefer to learn while drinking coffee at a cafe. Or maybe you and your coworkers are learning something together. Whatever the case may be, it is possible to learn outside of the classroom.

Through Adam’s English, you will be given the same opportunities to learn from where ever you would like. We work hard with every lesson, every video, and every piece of content to make it as in-person and real as possible! So you are better able to get the full experience!

Grab your pencils and let’s get learning!

Speaking and Working Together!

The Only Effective Way to Learn a Language

What is the difference between a student who studies by reading grammar books, vocabulary study guides, and taking English classes where they listen to lectures. -Versus- A person who uses those grammar books and study guides to speak with English-speaking people and who tries to surround themselves in English environments?

The first person will be really good at passing tests, whereas the second person will be really good at being able to speak and understand what is being said to them. 

Adam’s English is all about the second person. We teach and strongly encourage that you practice and study while using the language. 

Our Instructor

Hello, I am Adam

Wow! I am so excited that you are here! This has been a dream of mine for quite some time and I am really grateful that you are here and you are giving me the privilege of teaching you English.

I look forward to the many great lessons and conversations that we will have together! 
My door is always open to you and I look forward to hearing from you!


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Free Courses

Check out the free online resources that are available to you! We have many free courses that will help you be a better English speaker! Check them out now, because they will change from time to time!

Premium Courses

Our Premium Online Courses will help you grow and expand your English skills quickly and clearly. Our Premium Courses will teach you and guide you in a variety of ways to ensure the best lesson quality possible!

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