When you say words that start with a “V” do they often come out sounding like the letter “B?”

Today, I will explain to you the differences in sounds so that you can improve your pronunciation skills and make your sentences easier to understand.

First of all, the main difference between the “V” sound and the “B” sound is the placement of your front teeth. When you make the “V” sound, you must touch your front teeth to your bottom lip.

If you want to make the “B” sound, don’t use your teeth at all and press your lips together.

An easy way to remember this is to look at the letter “V.”  It looks like a tooth, doesn’t it?

VvvvvvvV    Look, I made a mouth! So when you see the letter “V” you can remember to make contact between your top teeth and your bottom lip!


Let’s practice!
Please read this sentence:

Victor visits very vicious viable victims.

A very valuable violet van visits the valley on vacation.

Now let’s practice switching between V’s and B’s:

Vase Base
Van Ban
Vet Bet
Vest Best
Vote Boat
Very Berry
Vanish Banish

I’m sure you realize this already, but these words rhyme (even though they may be spelled differently).

Use these drills and practice a lot in order to improve your pronunciation skills!

Have fun with it!