Hey there everyone!

Here is a tip to improve fluency in English speaking so that you will sound more natural.

The best part about this tip is that you won’t have to get out your grammar textbook and study dull, boring, frustrating grammar! Yay!

The tip is one letter.

Yes, it is just that simple.

If you remember to say this one letter consistently, your English will sound more natural.


Are you ready?

The one letter is: “S”

I often (too often) hear my students drop the letter “S” on the end of words:

That’s, There’s, It’s, and many other words.

Well, it may sound simple to some of you and many of you may not have this problem.
However, I have taught many students of many skill levels that make this common mistake.

This mistake may not seem like such a big deal, but to a native speaker, we can pick up on it almost every time.

To practice this, I have my students practice reading out loud from their textbooks.
If we do this during a lesson, I will point out when the student drops an “S” or doesn’t pronounce it clearly.

If the student is doing it at home, I ask that they record themselves and listen to it for themselves.

By doing it at home and by themselves, my students will also improve their listening abilities.

To take it a step further, I also tell my students to underline and highlight the s at the end of words so they remember to pronounce them clearly.

This is a simple fix, but a necessary one.

Feel free to ask any native speaker if they notice when someone drops the “S” from the end of words.

I hope this tip has brought you another step closer to being a better speaker!